Thursday, April 19, 2012

Prepared or Not either way is okay!

Yesterday, I drove 2 hours to attend a job interview for a nursing position. I haven't worked as a nurse in over 3 years and haven't interviewed for 7 years. I find myself taking a new journey, the journey to become a working woman once again. I felt ready for my interview, I found an article, "100 potential interview questions". I answered the majority of the questions and learned so much about myself in the process. Not one of the questions I answered was asked of me during my interview. No typical, "what are your strengths, what are your weaknesses, tell me about yourself", none of that. There were 3 interviewers asking a total of 10 questions between them. Every question was a scenario, what would you do, how would you prioritize, etc. I didn't feel ready, I haven't been in a clinical scenario in almost 8 years. I found myself, second guessing my interview skills, my nursing skills, my decision to interview for a PHN (Public Health Nurse) position. I felt a little bit better when the interviewers told me that their nurses do not perform hands on nursing care. Well then, why all of the scenario questions, why not more character trait- type of questions? Please help an old nurse out and make her feel more comfortable is what I wanted to say. I left the interview with the feeling of, "maybe or maybe not", not an absolutely nailed it kind of feeling.
On my 2 hour drive home, I realized something I already knew. Preparing for this job interview the way that I did, answering 90 something interview questions. Well, that prepared me for me. I realized how much I have changed since my last nursing job 3 years ago.
Here are just a few of the answers that I found within myself.

1. I don't believe in failures...their is no such thing. Anything that happens in our lives happens to teach us a lesson but only if we allow it too.
2. An ideal job: My ideal job yesterday was to sit in an interview with those 3 lovely woman. My ideal job today is to write this blog. My next ideal job will be whatever job I am working in...I will learn something and that is ideal for me.
3. What do you ultimately want to become? Me, I wouldn't want to be anything else. I am a mother, a daughter, soon to be ex-wife, a nurse but most important I am ME and I love me.
4. If you could be any one place in the world right now, where would you be? I would be right here, right now...there is no other place to be. Maybe next month I will be in Hawaii but next month isn't here in this moment.. So, right now I am here writing this blog and loving every minute of it. Oh and listening to the roofers tear off our roof. :o)

These are only 4 of the questions that allowed me to look within myself and feel so blessed that I have changed so much in the past 2-3 years. I love who I am today in this moment.
I embrace this journey to working woman, what ever will be, will be and I can handle that. I am strong enough to handle anything, you are too.

Enjoy you day, enjoy this moment!

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